How to hire a mobile app development company to build an app?

Realizing the increased rate of online business opportunities, businesses are heading towards obtaining enterprise apps to gain their consumer’s attention. Hence, every year a huge number of businesses start their app journey that has always been crucial for success these days. However, making a deep research and asking right questions before picking an app by hiring right App Development Company is essential.

Today, a mobile app has no longer become an option for most industries. Instead, it is a requirement. According to recent researches, mobile internet traffic has surpassed the desktop internet traffic with an extensive rate in 2017-18. In fact, now mobile devices account for more than 65% to 70% of total time spent on digital media; out of which, 90% is spent through the mobile apps. Reports have shown that more than 62% of businesses already own a mobile app or in the process of having one.

Are you ready to ride towards creating your first business mobile app?

Chances may be there that you do not have access to the required amount of resources for building an app internally. This is quite common among the enterprises. With regards to your business future, a right company would be the one that really understand your projects requirements, your business, your products and services and empowers you to have a strong internet presence through a successful app. Outsourcing mobile app development services from Kunsh Technologies will help you saving from a lot of headaches, time and money. However, instead of rushing hard to hire an app development company, you should spend a considerable amount of time to thoroughly research over the options you have. A number of criteria are there to guide you through the decision process. So, before picking a company, check out following considerable factors:

Hire Mobile App Developer

Company Portfolio

If you have shortlisted some companies, then never forget to ask about the last couple of projects they have handled. You can ask them about their company portfolio and check if they have any apps on the app stores that you can download. Check out the reviews and ratings of their apps and ask how long they will take to deliver a project. Go with a firm that deals in agile development to have a better approach towards the mobile app projects.

Knowledge and Expertise

Always try to choose a company that is able to build the actual functionality and features that you need in your app. They should be capable enough to discuss with you as to how would they implement a proposed feature along with suggesting any appropriate frameworks that they might implement. It is also important to check if their software can integrate with other workflows and systems or not.


Price should not drive you crazy. Your concentration should be more on getting a great product when you are looking for mobile app development and not on buying the cheapest possible product. Though spending within your budget is important, let the work quality and their expertise decide whether a company is worth spending.

Having a clear and flexible budget for your project is important before you agree on someone’s price terms. According to a recent survey, around $30,000 to $700,000 costs for mobile app development requirements with a median amount of $171,450. If budget is a concern, then better is to look into an app development platform, instead of getting full custom development solutions.

Type of App Platform

Confirm in advance as to what platform to choose for building an app. You can ask a shortlisted firm as to whether they can build apps for different operating systems or not. If you want to use multiple platforms, you should be clear about your decisions and select a firm that can accommodate to it effectively. In fact, hiring a firm well-versed in cross-platform apps would be a better idea then. Your selected service provider should have deep understanding of the guidelines for all platforms.


Whatever the goodness of the company is, they will not be able to develop your products without your input. Your role in the project should essentially be understood by them. They should have your involvement in the project up to a certain level. They should understand what you want and make the things accordingly.


You should check with them about their level of communication and the communication methods they use, before the starting of the project. You should get the project update at least once a week to track the progress of your project. At Kunsh Technologies, you get efficient communication process where the communication between clients and their developers share an integral role towards the success of the project.

Keep track, how frequently they reply to your messages and phone calls during the operational process. Try to judge whether they have genuine interest in your project idea and business or not. Try to confirm if they follow an agile method for business operation or not. Building strong relationship is important for the success of a project. It will definitely help you get a better app.

Timeline for Project

You should confirm the estimated timeline for your project at the initial level only. Ask about their availability as well. Most companies work on the majority of projects, you can check if the company you are short listing to build your app has sufficient time to go with the project or not. Are they ready to respond any unforeseen challenges of your project or not!

Design of the App

You should check out whether the company can create a functional and user-friendly designed app or not. Better UI/UX design give really amazing experiences to your users. Whether your company follows the principles of design appropriately or not, checking is essential.

Release and Maintenance

It is always imperative to ask the company about their policy for app store submission and how they handle the release.

After app launches, your company should deal with timely updates, fixing bugs if any and add new features and functionality as per its better maintenance.

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